Asymmetrical Eyes: Causes and Treatment

Asymmetrical Eyes: Causes and Treatment

Facial symmetry is what we all dream of having as it is considered as the highest form of beauty but unfortunately the truth is that perfect symmetry is rare, and most people have some degree of asymmetry in their facial features. Asymmetry is not only limited to facial features, eyes can also be asymmetrical. In fact, asymmetrical eyes are a common concern for many people because it can affect one’s self-esteem, confidence and overall personality. People are often looking for solutions on how to fix uneven eyes but the results are often unsatisfactory. 

Asymmetrical eyes can be caused by various factors, including genetics, aging, injury, or medical conditions. If you have some across this article it means you have landed yourself at the right place as i am going to tell you several ways to address and potentially fix asymmetrical eyes, ranging from non-invasive techniques like instant eyelid correcting strips to surgical interventions. So let's explore these methods in detail, providing comprehensive information on how to achieve more balanced and harmonious eye symmetry. 

Understanding Asymmetrical Eyes

Asymmetrical eyes are basically referring to noticeable differences in the size, shape, or position of the eyes. This difference can be due to various reasons some of which are not even in our control! Asymmetric eyes can sometimes be a slight discrepancy in the size of the eyes, one eye may appear larger or smaller than the other. It can also appear as a positional difference where the eyes may be positioned differently on the face, such as one eye appearing higher or lower than the other. This condition can also manifest as a variation in the shape of the eyes. How to fix uneven eyes can be answered once we can know the type of asymmetry the person has. 

There are different kinds of asymmetrical eyes like the upper eyelid ptosis. It is the most common and the hardest to treat as it is the dropping of the upper eyelid which can affect one or both eyes asymmetrically. Difference in the shape and size of the two eyes is another common asymmetry eye condition and lastly asymmetry in eyebrow height or shape can also affect the perceived symmetry of the eyes and overall facial appearance. Some of these conditions can be easily and effortlessly treated with instant eyelid correcting strips from acclaimed brands like Contours Rx. 

Solutions and Treatments for Asymmetrical Eyes

The treatment and best solution for asymmetrical eyelids can be suggested once the gravity and cause of the condition is diagnosed. There are a number of reasons due to which asymmetrical eyes can appear, it can be genetic, imbalances when growing up, a severe injury or trauma, muscle weakness or medical conditions like thyroid disorders or neurological conditions. Here are the best treatments to asymmetrical eyes-

  1. Surgery

Surgery is a sure shot solution to asymmetrical eyes. Surgeons can correct ptosis or uneven eyes by performing blepharoplasty to lift or reshape the eyelids. This treatment is best suited for upper uneven eyes, for lower uneven eyes, lower eyelid tightening or fat repositioning can help correct the asymmetry. If the reason for the asymmetry is uneven eyebrows then Endoscopic Brow Lift is an invasive procedure that can elevate and reshape the eyebrows, addressing asymmetry and improving the overall appearance of the eyes. 

  1. Non-Invasive Solution

We all know the huge amount of money blepharoplasty needs and not all can afford to have that big of a hole in their bank account. Non-invasive solutions like instant eyelid correcting strips like Lids by Design are an ideal solution which are not only effective and easy but also budget-friendly and accessible. The different sizes of the strips allows you to choose the ideal size for evening out your eyes. You can use the strip on one eye only if you want to match it with the correct eye. The strips are easy to apply and remove but the results are instant, lasting (as long as you apply the strips) and amazing! 

  1. Partially Invasive Solution

If you are still wondering how to fix uneven eyes then we also have a partially invasive solution to your problem which will not break your bank and won’t be a daily thing either. Botox and filler have grabbed the cosmetic world by its collar. Botulinum toxin injections can temporarily correct asymmetry by relaxing muscles around the eyes, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lifting drooping eyelids. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used to restore volume and symmetry around the eyes, improving contours and reducing the appearance of hollow areas. But the effects of these will wear off in 10-12 weeks which means you will have to go abc to the doctor. 


Asymmetry of the eyes is a common issue faced by millions of people globally. By considering factors like health, money, time, effort and need you can choose the best solution to this problem. Opt for instant eyelid correcting strips and rectify uneven eyes instantly without any pain! Make the right choice and rejoice!